
This isn't going to be pretty...

Tonight, I made the terrible mistake of trying to follow ME19. The right thing to do would've been to completely pretend it didn't exist and be content with taking Fluids2 here but... ahh it's too late now. Fluids2 has NOTHING on ME19. I feel like a high schooler here or something- the tutor told me to solve a problem involving a trapezoid by splitting it into SHAPES instead of just manning up and finding the centroid of the freaking shape itself (That was probably too specific. I sound like a tool). The other two techers with me and I just laughed at this and shook our heads at how silly it was, and moved on. But no... now that I'm staring at these ME19 lecture slides it feels like I got punched in the face. There's divs and lagrangians flying all over the pages and we're doing basic algebra.


That sounds really weird right? Like really your first reaction should be "sweet! you got the better end of the deal since it's 100x easier for you while your fellow MechE's back home are slaving away at their problem sets!" I would... if ME19 didn't last two terms. When I go back, I have NO idea what's going to happen but it won't be pretty. I'm not going to have anyyyy idea how to do all of this calc based stuff by that time since I've already forgotten most of linear algebra already and my brain's been turning into mush since the start of summer and shows no sign of stopping. The logical solution then of course, is to keep following the me19 lecture slides and at least look at the problem set solutions... but theyre so intimidating. I also have no idea what's going on in over half the slides since theyre mostly equations and very little text. Basically come second term I'll be walking to my own funeral.



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