
He Who Must Not Be Named

Between having to wake up 2 hours before my first class just to catch a bus there (which really freaking sucks by the way, especially compared to like... longboarding to class 2minutes before it starts) and freaking out over what's going on with my course schedule this week, I was lucky enough that my Wednesdays are completely free! :D It's kind of a nice break in the middle of the week, so on this "mini weekend", my friends and I decided to do a harry potter themed exploration sorta. Our first stop was the graveyard, Greyfriars Kirk. Kim read online that Tom Riddle's grave was here. Not like a fake tombstone made in honor of the Harry Potter series, but the burial place of an actual person whose name inspired JK Rowling when she was writing the books. The graveyard itself was absolutely beautiful, so we weren't in a huge rush to find it, but eventually while scanning through all the names, I finally found it!


tadaaa! :D

IMG_7184 Okay so it's spelled a little differently from in the books, but still. We weren't entirely positive if that was the right grave, so we lingered for a little till the tour group nearby came up to it and the guide started talking about Harry Potter. Yayy mission complete! After that we went to the next super famous Harry Potter site- The Elephant House, where it all started. To be completely honest, it was a little anticlimactic. The only thing it had to do with Harry Potter was this sign that said "Birthplace of Harry Potter" in a really obnoxious font (jokerman. blegh). I got a little distracted on the walk back to our flat by the word "chocolatier" on a cafe on the side of the road though so we decided to check it out... I love bakeries. and chocolate. way too much. >___>; I kinda felt bad for just eating the cake samples they had there, so I got a dark chocolate mint truffle. Sooo yummy. (: <3 well that's all i've got for today (well technically yesterday). (:

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